1- If a licensed Full Member violates any of the obligations described in paragraphs (13/1, 13/2, 13/3, 13/4) of article XIII of SOCPA's Internal Regulations, the board of directors has the right to refer the violation (based on a recommendation by the relevant committees or the General Secretariat) to the Investigation Committee of CPAs Violations for the purpose of investigating the violating member and imposing penalties in accordance with article XIV of SOCPA's Internal Regulation.
2- If a Full Member violates any of the obligations described in paragraphs (13/5) of article XIII of SOCPA's Internal Regulations, the following procedures shall take place:
1- Suspension of membership for any Full Member with more than two years passed since his or her last fee payment, provided that the suspension is by a decree from the secretary-general.
2- A formal warning of membership cancellation to any suspended member if they fail to pay their due fees after the passing of three years on their last payment, provided that the cancellation is by a decree from the secretary-general.
3- The cancelation of membership to members who have received formal warnings and failed to pay their due fees after three months from the date of the warning, provided that the cancellation is by a decree from the secretary-general.
4- The secretary-general may reinstate memberships if the conditions causing its cancellation are resolved, and if the person in question is eligible for membership in accordance with paragraph 2/1/1/2 of these regulations.