General Guidance

General Instructions on the preparation for taking the exam

First:-Preparation for the exam:

To maximize the efficiency of preparation for the exam, some instructions were set to assist candidates to face certain important matters related to the exam, including:-
1.General instructions
The candidate shall:                                    
1.1    develop, before beginning the preparation program for the and a before sufficient period of  time, an overall strategy including an intensive study program for the various materials, preparation of time tables an facilities conductive for studying.
1.2    have adequate knowledge on the theoretical and practical aspects of each of the exam subjects  and shall solve  during the study, exercises and problems similar to those of the exam.
1.3    Assess his understanding and grasp to the topics of the exam, including solving essay and multiple choice questions under examination conditions.
1.4    Evaluate his preparation progress on a regular basis and prepare a list of things “to do”.
1.5    Become familiar with exam facilities and procedures, by contacting SOCPA to obtain such information initially.
1.6    Apply, within an adequate period of time, to SOCPA to obtain its acceptance to take the exam and to reserve lodging for examination days should the examination be held in a city different than his.
1.7    Efficiently utilize his time by allocating most of it for the purpose of study. That should be considered by the candidate as critical issue and therefore must, beforehand plan his time in such a way sufficient time will be available for study.

2.Positive attitude towards the examination
A candidate shall have a positive attitude towards the examination – an attitude that passing the examination is an attainable goal, but one requiring substantial effort. The attributes of examination success discussed below are essential. You must study the attribute and work towards achieving each of them.

    2.1Knowledge of material
The candidate shall review, comprehensively and deeply, the subjects of the exam. To achieve that candidate may utilize SOCPA training courses and training material. However, candidate is expected to explore the details of the subjects in which he feels his knowledge to be the weakest. This can be achieved through review of textbook, other references, professional publications and other relevant material. Furthermore he should not be familiar with all sources, scientific developments, professional standards and all matters related to the subjects of the exam. This should be sufficiently considered from the start and during all stages of review and should be left to last days before performing the exam. It is true that, examination confidence develops from proper preparation and increases when the candidate becomes assured of his deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subjects of the exam.
    2.2The solution approach:
You must follow an appropriate solution approach which assists you to pass the exam. Section 2 (taking the exam) includes some important instructions related to this matter. Note that, writing the solution is the last step to be performed. Candidate must become aware and convinced to invest reasonable part of his time in enhancing his ability to select an appropriate solution approach and exercise it many times. This will maximize your examination confidence which enables you to perform the exam properly.
    2.3Avoid reasons for failure:
Fellowship examination is a formidable hurdle in your accounting career, therefore your are expect to make an adequate effort to pass it. Attempt to identify and correct your weaknesses before you sit for the examination based on exercising questions similar to those of fellowship examination, in order to avoid reasons for failure. Also, analyze the contributing factor to incomplete or incorrect solution to CPA problems prepared during your study program. The more common reasons for failure are:

a)    Misunderstanding the text of the problem.
b)    Failure to understand the requirements.
c)    Lack of knowledge of material tested.
d)    Inability to follow an appropriate approach, including time budgeting and step by step solution.
e)    Sloppiness, computational errors, etc.
f)    Rash solutions
g)    Failure to proofread and edit
The above are not mutually exclusive categories. When you misunderstand the text and requirements of the problem, then you will not reach the correct answer. To increase your psychological readiness, you must be aware of all these or other reasons and should correct and exercise how to avoid during the preparation for the exam, which will enhance your preparation to perform the exam.

Second:-Taking the exam:

Candidate should prepare himself properly in order to be able to understand and grasp the questions and reach the correct answers. To achieve that candidate is required to budget his time during the examination and select the best available answers within the specified time. The following instructions may assist in achieving the required goal. You may find that some steps are occasionally unnecessary, or that certain additional procedures increase your own problem-solving efficiency. Whatever the case, substantial time should be allocated to developing an efficient solutions approach before taking the exam. These include:

1.Essay questions:    
1.1    Glance over all questions in order to be familiar with the content. This will allow you to unconsciously organize the answer.

1.2    Determine the time specified for each of the question paragraphs and always remember that the points allocates to a questions are proportional to the time specified to that question.

1.3     Review the numbering and sequence of questions and pages of the    examination question booklet in order to be sure of its proper arrangement.

1.4    Read the question carefully. With the requirements in mind underline the important data necessary for answering each requirements. As you read the text attempt to find connection between the problem and professional principles, terms or theories pertaining to the problem. Underlining the text and writing comments usually assists in organizing the answers and providing candidate with confidence.

1.5    Identify main elements of the answer and formalize the required tables or statements (trail balance or balance sheet …etc). Before writing the answer, determine what you are going to do and its importance with respect to achieving the correct answer.

1.6    Work problems that you consider easiest first, noting time begun and time allotted. Your goal is pick up extra time to allocate to problems  you are weaker on.

1.7    Answer the questions on the answer sheets provided, if additional papers are needed request them from the examination supervisor. Begin the answer of each essay question from the top of the page. Should the answer of a question not completed by the end of a page write the following phrase at the end of that page (answer of question no.---- is continued on page no.----), and when the answer of a question is completed write the following phrase at the end of that answer (The answer of question no------ ends on this page).

1.8    Support your answer with clear calculations that are properly headed according to the requirements of the problem and in such a way that facilitates identification of the question pertaining to the answer and numbers you used to conclude to the final answer.

1.9    Write legibly and you should be neat and organized, leaving appropriate space between lines of the answer in order to add information that you might think of later.

1.10    Remind yourself constantly that the grader assumes you know  nothing (he can not read your mind). Therefore you must convince him of your knowledge of the subject matter under question. Never omit the obvious. Explain each answer.

1.11    Limit discussion to relevant issues. Do not spend more time than allotted on a question that you are sure of, only to sacrifice points on another question where those extra minutes are crucial.

1.12    Constantly compare your progress with the time remaining. Never spend more than the maximum time on any problem until all problems are answered and time remains.

1.13    there may be a question for which you may feel unprepared. Accept the challenge and go after the points, no matter how impossible the problem may look at the first glance. Make your best effort. You may be on the right track and not even know it. To achieve that, ask yourself how GAAP would be applied to similar situation. Scan other subjects of the problem and look for relationship between them.

1.14    When you see alternate routes to take in problem solving, explain to the grader any assumptions you are making and why. Should you ran out of time on a problem that you know how to complete, write note to the grader briefly describing what you would have done had time permitted.

1.15    You might finish the examination before the end of allocated time and at the same time you might be assured of the correctness and completeness of your answer, in spite of this stay up to the end of time, revising your answers.

1.16    Remember: A legible, well organized, grammatically correct answer gives a professional appearance.

2.Multiple choice questions:                            
2.1    Read the question carefully according to its sequence. With requirement in mind underline and circle the important data necessary for answering each requirements. As you read the text attempt to find connection between the problem and professional principles, terms or theories pertaining to the problem. Underlining the text and writing comments usually assists in organizing the answers and providing the candidate with confidence.

2.2    If a set of data is the basis for two or more questions, read the requirements of each of the questions before beginning to work the first question.

2.3    Read the questions in order, carefully as that are, not as you like them to be; you may encounter a familiar looking question but may be different with respect to content and requirements. Do not rely on the answer known to you from the previous question. Also, answers are sometimes misleading and may cause you misread or misinterpret the question.

2.4    If a question appears lengthy or difficult, skip it until you can determine that extra time is available. Put a big question mark in margin to remind you to return to questions you have skipped or need to review.

2.5    Anticipate the answer before looking at the alternative answers, then read the answers and select the best alternative. If you don’t arrive at one of the given answers in the allotted time, make an educated guess.  

2.6    If the arrival to an answer requires calculations you should do that and, on the margin of the page, show those calculations and the logic of your solution. If you don’t arrive at solution in the allotted time, make an educated guess.

2.7    Never change a first impulse answer later unless you are absolutely certain you are right. It is a proven fact that your subconscious often guides you to the correct answer.

2.8    You should attempt to answer all objective questions even if complete to guess, since there is no penalty for incorrect responses.

2.9    Answer all objective questions on the printed objective question answer sheet provided. Use (HB2) pencil to bubble in the selected answer for each question and be certain that question number corresponds with the answer number. (see attached form).

3.Other instructions that should be considered during the performance of the examination:

3.1    Before beginning the answer write and bubble in candidate number on the space provided on any of the answer papers. Any mistake in recording your candidate number will cause your answer paper not to be graded.

3.2    Write legibly and leave sufficient space between lines.

3.3    You are not allowed to take any aids into the examination room.

3.4    You are personally required  to hand in the examination question booklet and the answer paper, after completion or on request, to the proctor. Be sure to record your name on the record provided for that purpose.

3.5    Any  reference during the examination  to books or other materials or the exchange of information with other persons shall be considered misconduct sufficient to bar you from participation in the examination.

3.6    In addition to the above rules, other oral or written instructions may be given during the examination. All candidates are required to abide fully by such instructions.  


Third:-Procedures and requirements of the examination:

1.Candidate shall:
1.1    Fill and submit the examination application, at least one month before the examination date (see attached form).

1.2    Attach a copy of the university degree and the original for verification (accounting major or equivalent) and the academic record.

1.3    Present a copy of I.D, or of Iqama and passport.

1.4    Present three colored personal photographs.

1.5    Pay the examination fees, at least two weeks before the examination date, otherwise the application will be cancelled.

2.Examination fees for the first time is SR 1000 (Saudi Riyal, one thousand) plus  SR 200 (Saudi Riyal, two hundred) for each subject. For retaking the exam the fees is SR 500 (Saudi Riyal, five hundred) plus SR 200 (Saudi Riyal, two hundred) for each subject. Number of subjects to be taken for any session shall not be less than two. Candidate may take one subject should that subject be the only one remaining for him to pass the exam.

3.Candidate can postpone the examination only to the successive session, provided to notify SOCPA with such postponement, at least two weeks before the date of the exam.

4.Regardless of whatever reasons, examination fees can not be refunded to any candidate that fails to attain the exam.

5. SOCPA provides candidates with tools they need to work the exam, such as calculators and pens.

6.The Examination Committee sets the exam schedule. The exam is held twice a year at the sites identified by the Examination Committee.

Fourth:-Measurement for reviewing the computation of results:

1.Candidates interested in reviewing the computation of results they achieved in the exam, should consider the following:

1.1    Fill and submit an application  within two weeks from date of delivering the results officially by registered mail.

1.2    Payment of fees specified for the review of computation.

2.Applicant is not allowed to attend the review process.

3.Applicant shall be informed of the results, by a letter from SOCPA Secretary General. The result shall be considered as final and will be presented to the board if the applicant passed the exam as result of that revision.

4.If the applicant passed that subject, the revision fees will be refunded.
Last Update On: 01 Jul 2021