SOCPA held a meeting to introduce the process to be followed in implementing the Governmental Accoun

SOCPA held a meeting to introduce the process to be followed in implementing the Governmental Accounting and Auditing training course program for the employees of governmental sectors

SOCPA held a meeting to introduce the process to be followed in implementing the Governmental Accounting and Auditing training course program for the employees of governmental sectors

SOCPA held an orientation meeting on the process to be followed in implementing the Governmental Accounting and Auditing training course program for the employees of government agencies and public bodies and institutions, which was adopted by the Civil Servants Training and Scholarship Committee for the treatment of civil service employees who are trainees of this course, equivalent to the provisions of the training enrollment rule. The meeting was held in the presence of the development , administrative and financial affairs managers of government agencies and public bodies and institutions.
The meeting was opened by Dr Ahmed Almeghames, SOCPA Secretary-General who welcomed and thanked the attendees for their continuous cooperation with SOCPA in all matters that enhance development of national cadres working in the field of Governmental Accounting and Auditing profession. SOCPA hopes, according  to Dr Ahmed Almeghames,   that this training process contributes in advancing capabilities of the trainees working in government agencies and public institutions and those working in the financial and accounting professions and other related jobs , providing them with knowledge, skills and abilities needed to carry out their work efficiently, and consequently helps in improving the activities practiced by their employers.
Following that, Dr. Mohammad Al- Aqeel , Assistant Secretary-General for membership and professional development shed, through his presentation, light on the training program that consist of two training tracks, each begins with an introductory program in financial accounting principles. The first training track (governmental accounting) contains three training programs through which the trainees progress in the field of governmental accounting, it includes: principles of governmental accounting, accounting of financial transactions in the personnel affairs department , and accounting of the expenses of government agencies and public institutions. The second training track (governmental auditing and control) contains three training programs through which the trainees progress in the field of governmental auditing and control, it includes: basics of audit, governmental auditing, and control over performance.

Last Update On: 08 Mar 2020