SOCPA Launches "Peer Review Service" Initiative for Accounting Firms

SOCPA Launches "Peer Review Service" Initiative for Accounting Firms

SOCPA Launches


SOCPA has introduced a new initiative named "Peer Review Service," aimed at enhancing the quality management system of accounting firms and improving the methodology/implementation of professional services in these firms.   
This initiative seeks to assist accounting firms in obtaining an independent assessment of their quality management systems and the methodology/implementation of professional services applied by colleagues who are sufficiently experienced to transfer knowledge and professional expertise and identify potential development opportunities. It is important to note that the peer review results do not affect SOCPA's review, as SOCPA's role is limited to registering peer review service providers, setting regulations, and facilitating communication with them.
This initiative is considered a significant step in helping firms achieve continuous improvement in their quality management systems and the methodology/implementation of professional services, transferring experience and knowledge among practitioners, and identifying potential development opportunities for firms.
SOCPA has dedicated a webpage for the peer review service regulations and to facilitate the process of submitting registration applications in the examiners' register, along with a list of examiners registered in the examiners' register. This allows interested firms to benefit from this service.
This initiative reflects SOCPA's commitment to continuous development and helping firms enhance the quality of professional services they provide. It is part of its efforts to promote the application of best global standards and practices and transfer professional knowledge and expertise to accounting firms.
For more information and details, please visit the dedicated page for the Peer Review Service initiative by clicking here.

Last Update On: 11 Jun 2024