SOCPA Corrects an Error It Found in the International Code of Ethics

SOCPA Corrects an Error It Found in the International Code of Ethics

SOCPA Corrects an Error It Found in the International Code of Ethics

SOCPA has notified the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) of an error in the International Code of Ethics. The error was discovered during SOCPA's translation of the updated version of the code for this year. IFAC has responded by thanking SOCPA for this discovery and for its continued cooperation in serving the profession and its members.
SOCPA is working on translating the publications of IFAC, including the publications of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). SOCPA has signed with these organizations and secured the rights to translate and use their publications in a manner suitable to the local environment since they have been adopted and implemented in the kingdom.

Last Update On: 27 Jun 2022