Our Strategy

This plan constitutes a new starting point in SOCPA's fruitful journey, and an important milestone achieved by the organization. It precisely defines the new roles and objectives adopted by the organization and complements its vision and stated mission.
With the future role of the organization and its priorities in mind, the General Secretariat worked on developing the components of this plan starting with analyzing the internal and external environment while attempting to get a feel of what a future vision would look like to then review its mission and objectives and the strategies needed to make them a reality.
This plane constitutes a leap towards change, and will result in enhancing the organization's roles in supervising, planning and monitoring the accounting and auditing profession in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The methodology followed in developing the strategic plan, which was approved by the board of directors at the 6th meeting of the 9th session on 21-11-1441 AH (12-7-2020), included reviewing all documents, reports and previous operational plans, as well as holding intensive meetings with the general secretariat of the organization and its aids.
The strategic plan includes an executive summary that outlines the key features of the organization's future direction. It also includes the vision and mission and explains how to link them to future goals. it also defines the fields in which the organization can operate in the future based on its vision and mission.

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Last Update On: 10 Aug 2021